Durham Greener Buildings program terms and conditions

To enroll in the Durham Greener Buildings program participants are asked to acknowledge the following guidelines:


The participant (a building owner or his/her representative) confirms that they have the authority to enroll their building(s) in the Durham Greener Building Program and to grant the rights for the use and disclosure of approved energy performance and water data and building characteristics including address as outlined in the program FAQs.


All Participants will have an active Energy Star Portfolio Manager Account. Participants agree to share Portfolio Manager annual energy performance data by August 1 of each year of the Durham Greener Buildings program.


Monthly building energy and water data will be entered into Portfolio Manager by the participant. Monthly data allows for year-over-year building energy and water performance reporting on a weather-normalized basis.


Only building and performance data approved by the participant through the Portfolio Manager sharing request will be publicly disclosed. Building location and performance metrics will be annually published on the Durham Greener Buildings website visualization.


If the Durham Greener Buildings Program modifies or replaces these Terms at any time, written confirmation will be provided of any changes to the Participant within 30 business days.


The Participant agrees that the Regional Municipality of Durham or its agent, Windfall Ecology Centre, shall not be responsible or liable, directly, or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by their enrolment in the Durham Greener Buildings Program.


Participants will be requested to acknowledge that they have reviewed the terms and conditions by signing a form that they will receive as part of the enrolment process to Durham Greener Buildings.